Saturday, February 13, 2010

Back Underwater

The series at the Beau Rivage wrapped up a couple weeks ago and I got the hell out of Biloxi. I couldn't stand the same food, mediocre cash action, and nothing to do winter beach drag any longer.

The trip was a success for most of us there. I busted my ass for a solid profit in cash games and Ryan shipped Event 7. Tyler, the sicko, final tabled his third main event in a row at the Beau.

Now back in Nola, I'm reacquainting myself with the nightlife. Friday turned into real bender, starting out at happy hour at La Petite, hopping rides around town with randoms until ending up shambling out of Snakes at sunrise. God I love this city.

My plan was to couchsurf here for the entire month of February, biding my time until I hop over to Europe in March. But as it turns out, the people I call friends all seem to hold something against central heating and long couches. Somewhere toward the end of the first week I lost the drive to continually tuck myself in with enough booze to trick myself that I was sleeping comfortably. I broke down and arranged to share an apartment with an old friend. He's a singing-songwriting bartender-cowboy, so we've been passing around the guitar and the bottle quite a bit. Someone has left me a bed, desk, and a bookshelf full of lit classics and philosophy, both of which I have been devouring as fast as possible but I know I won't finish whole stack before I have to move again.

Harrahs has been good to me since I've returned. Despite the large number of regulars, the action keeps up. Virtually every time I play, someone I've never seen before shows up with a couple K to blow. For some reason Amarillo Slim has been in town, showing up at 4pm every day demanding to play Omaha, or so I hear. They spread it for him at least once, even though it died within a few hours. Also a 5/10 game broke out twice this week. Things are on the up and up at Harrahs. I attribute it to the Saints.

Oh, by the way, the Saints just won the motherfucking Superbowl. In case you didn't hear because you've been stuck in a hole somewhere or out licking mushrooms, which is exactly what you probably should be doing, given that the Earth is about to slip right off its orbit and send us all into oblivion. Speaking of which, Endymion starts in a couple hours and I should go prepare myself.

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